Kinley Perforator
Expro / Kinley Perforator
The Expro/Kinley Perforator can punch a variety of hole sizes from 2/64” up to 3/4”. The most common size is 1/2”. This perforator makes a clean hole and cannot damage your casing.
Expro / Kinley Timer Line Cutter
The Line cutter works off of the same tapered wedge idea that the perforator uses to cleanly cut cables and lines. There is a 60 or 90 minute timer that actuates the explosives and a “crimper” that will attach the line cutter to the cut cable to allow it to come out of the hole with the line.
Sandline Cutter
Hydraulic Perforator and Sandline Cutter
We have a Hydraulic perforator that uses fluid to push the punch through the tubing or force the blade through to cut the sandline.
Multi-Hole Perforator
We also have a Multi-hole perforator that can shoot multiple holes with shaped charges. It has either a pressure or percussion trigger.